Cambridge Matters – June 28, 2019

Commissioner Steve Rideout
June 28, 2019

Dear Cambridge Matters Readers:

As it past years, when we have a break in our meeting schedule in June for the Maryland Municipal League Conference, I provide a summary of some of the matters that were taken up and addressed during the past Fiscal Year (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019). As you will see, I cover a lot of ground and a number of different issues.

I know that there are matters that I have not mentioned in the report that are important as well but I felt that I touched on those that gave the flavor of the goings on here with our City Council and our City Government.

We meet next on July 8th with some issues of importance to you and the city. I will let you know more about them as I receive information.

Happy 4th of July!!!


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