Cambridge Matters #17 – April 13, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
April 13, 2020

Dear Readers:

I am attaching my regular Cambridge Matters report as well as the final report of the Compensation Advisory Committee that was given at our meeting. The Compensation Advisory Committee did great work and a lot of research and provided a history of how we arrived at the difficult place that we are with regard to this matter particularly given the significant financial issues that the city will be facing due to the Covid-19 virus and closure of businesses and reduction and in some cases elimination of income to businesses, individuals, and government.

If you are someone who is retired and has an ongoing income stream from your retirement benefits or has a separate income stream, please consider supporting our local restaurants and businesses. There are some restaurants doing carry out. We have had some great meals that way. For businesses, buying a gift card for future use is also something that you can do.

I hope that the attached gives you a picture of some of the challenges that we face. After reading my report and/or the committee report, please let the Mayor and your Commissioner (or me) know what you think about the Compensation Committee report and recommendations. We need guidance for where to go. That matter will be on the agenda for our meeting on April 27th so another way to let us know is to join the meeting and call in when you are given the opportunity to provide public comment.

Thanks for reading.


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