Cambridge Matters #7 – Sept 14, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
September 14, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached is my Cambridge Matters from our meeting this past Monday. It is my unofficial summary of matters that were taken up for discussion and decision. This one is longer than most as I explain some history on what brought Proposed Ordinance 1168 to the agenda for first reading and continuation over to September 28th for 2nd reading, public hearing, and possible passage.

What I offer in the attached explanation contain my views. I know that other Commissioners have different views about the issue of part time commissioners being entitled to city health and other insurance. I invite you to make up your own mind about this issue and let your Commissioner and the Mayor know your views. If you stay silent, the City Council will act in a way that may not be in the best interest of the city, its full time staff, and its tax payers.

Thanks for reading.


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