Cambridge Matters – August 27, 2018

By: Commissioner Steve Rideout
August 27, 2018

Dear Readers:

Attached is my unofficial report on our most recent City Council meeting. While there were not as many residents attending Monday night, the issues raised during the public comment portion of the meeting made it clear that more and more people are coming to understand the importance of civic engagement if we are going to continue on a positive trend here in Cambridge.

Late last week I sent out a Cambridge Matters email that talked about the new Police Athletic League that is coming to Cambridge and the need for volunteers. At our meeting on the 27th, City Council approved receiving the grant and placing $20,500 in the police budget. I am not aware if anyone has decided that he or she wants to volunteer in any way to support the children of this community, but no one has contacted me seeking information on where they might help. School is about to start and there are children in the Dorchester County Public Schools who are unable to read or have difficulty in reading, and you can be someone who can help them, if you will volunteer.

As I mentioned in that earlier email, go to the school website, find the “Let’s Talk” Icon, and provide information to someone in the school system who can find the right place for you to help.

Thanks for reading.


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