Cambridge Matters – Feb 1, 2019 – Chesapeake College Survey

Commissioner Steve Rideout
February 1, 2019

Dear Cambridge Matters Readers:

In early January I sent out a link to a Chesapeake College – Cambridge Center Questionnaire.

We have had responses from some of you but wanted to give those of you who did not respond one last chance to provide the College with some information that will help it to find the highest and best use for their facility here in Cambridge.

The survey that we have put together will help the collee feedback from the community about how Chesapeake College could best use the Cambridge Center and also collaborate with the community, local non profits, and other groups to support its mission and the educational interests of people on the Eastern Shore.

The survey can be done quickly. It is important that as many people as possible participate in order that we can know the interests of the community and find out how best to serve it. There is space provided in the survey for you to give us your ideas on what you think and also for you to offer yourself in the event you might be a resource to the college.

Here is the link: Chesapeake College Cambridge Center Questionnaire

We will hold the survey open until the middle of the month.

For those of you who have answered already or will respond to this request, thanks for your interest and willingness to help.
