Judge Stephen Rideout (Ret.)
January 8, 2021

Dear Readers:

While I thought that I would take a break from my Cambridge Matters reporting, circumstances changed. With the local election and new Mayor and City Council, my reports about Cambridge will not focus on them. Sometimes I will provide information about an issue that I think is important to the city or a city committee or commission and what they do, so that you have a better sense on how the city works. Sometimes it may be an opinion piece about which you may agree or disagree.

As what I offer will be different and may not be what you want to receive from me, please feel free to let me know so I can remove you from my email list. If you disagree with me about something, I am happy to have a conversation about it and learn from you and maybe help you to understand where I am coming from.

During my time on the bench when I made decisions in cases, the general rule would be that at least one of those involved in the case would disagree with me. So, I am not offended if you have a different opinion and I welcome the chance to learn from you, so let’s have a conversation about whatever it might be.

Thanks for reading.


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