Cambridge Matters – July 12, 2019 – Volunteer Info

Commissioner Steve Rideout
July 12, 2019

Dear Readers:

Last evening at the CAN meeting I spoke on a number of different topics. As I thought back about our discussion last evening, the issue of volunteering kept popping up. As a result I thought that I would share something that I recently received from the Virginia Retirement System about volunteering.

While I know that all of you are not retired, I also know that many if not most of you already volunteer in the community. I thought, however, that the attached might provide everyone with a different perspective on its value not only to the community but to you as well.

If you think that there is something that you might like to do, the brief article attached gives you some places to look on the internet. If you don’t know where to look locally, let me know, and I will try to find out who to contact.


Download (PDF, 1.76MB)