Cambridge Matters – Juvenile Justice & Funding Reallocation – June 10, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
June 10, 2020

Dear Readers:

On occasion I write on topics other than what is happening with the Cambridge City Council.

I offer the attached, which is somewhat of an update of a paper that I wrote 12 years ago on how to fund juvenile programs. Our children today are facing so many challenges for which our city, county, and community do not have resources to help. I am sure that there are others who have similar and even better ideas than the attached, but in order to make the change that needs to be made to give many of our youth a chance, we need to speak out and share our thoughts, opinions, and ideas.

This is not offered as being “the” answer but rather to prompt us to start a conversation about doing something differently that can be part of the answer.


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