Cambridge Matters – Oct 26, 2018 – Update on Rezoning Meetings

By: Commissioner Steve Rideout
October 26, 2018

Dear Readers:

I have just heard that there will be time for public comment at the meetings on October 29th and 30th. as described below. If there is a large group at either meeting, your time may be limited in order that as many comments as possible can be received.

I am not in charge of the meeting, so it might be helpful for those planning to say something organize your thoughts and get to the point that you want to make. Also, if someone has already made the point, multiple repeats of the same point may not be helpful.

I would like to see as many questions or comments as possible be provided so that staff can consider them in their process.

Remember that each meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. and both meetings are at City Council Chambers where there is limited capacity.



By: Commissioner Steve Rideout
October 17, 2018

Dear Readers:

Below is some information that I just received today from Pat Escher about community meetings that are going to be held with regard to the proposed rezoning of the Sailwinds Property and the Mill Street School Property, code enforcement, and the Pine Street Project.

Please place these on your calendar and plan to attend, if possible, so that you can hear about the proposed changes and, hopefully, have an opportunity to ask some questions. There is a lot to learn, and it is important that the community be aware of all that is happening here in Cambridge.

Please feel free to share. See below.


Monday, October 29th, 6:00 pm at Council Chambers

Waterfront Properties – Explain the proposed Text Amendments to the Unified Development Code. The main change is to have the proposed development use the City’s Form Based Code as opposed to standard zoning. This will give the City and the developer more flexibility with their proposals.

Tuesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm at Council Chambers

Code Enforcement – Introduction of Susan Webb and an update on code enforcement in the City.

Pine Street Revitalization – Discuss what the City is doing in the Pine Street Area.

School House Property on Mill Street – Discuss a proposed Text Amendment that would allow the property to redevelop with a previously approved multi-family development. This amendment would apply only to the school property.

Patricia Escher, A.I.C.P., Division Manager
Division of Planning, Housing and Economic Development, D.P.W.
1025 Washington Street
Cambridge, Maryland, 21613