Cambridge Matters – Oct 23, 2018

By: Commissioner Steve Rideout
October 23, 2018

Dear Readers:

While we had a short meeting last evening, there were a couple of matters of substance that needed more explanation. Rather than try to summarize them, I am attaching the Council reports for you to review if the topic interests you. I am also providing some other information that I was provided after the meeting

This is also a reminder that there will be public meetings on October 29th and 30th at city council chambers. These are not city council meetings but rather public information meetings about several important matters. On the 29th will be a presentation regarding the proposed rezoning of the Sailwinds property where staff will explain the reasoning behind it and what the plan entails. On the 30th will be a presentation about a proposal for the rezoning of the School Street property as well as information on what is happening with code enforcement and the Pine Street Revitalization Project.

Both meetings will start at 6:00 p.m. All of these matters are important to the economic health of Cambridge and the quality of life here, so please attend, if you are able. Seating is limited.


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