Cambridge Transitions – Steve Rideout – Mar 13, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
March 13, 2020

Dear Readers:

With Odie Wheeler retiring in December, the city manager is in the process of developing his plan for reorganizing the city staff that he will bring to City Council for approval. In the mean time, citizens come to our meetings and let us know where we need to improve. I am also hearing from you that some things that were being done well may now be falling through the cracks.

In order that the city manager and city leadership know what may not being done that you think needs to be done, you have to let someone know. Simply complaining about something in general terms does not necessarily help us to understand the problem that needs to be fixed so that the information can be directed to the city manager for action by city staff. The best way to do that is to go on the city website and make a report on the public reporting site on the city home page.

That site is If you do not get a personal response within a few days, follow up and ask what is being done. Do not just accept the automatic response as meaning something is being done.

You can also contact your elected official so that each of  us can be sure of your concern and get that information to the city manager for staff action. Cambridge continues to make progress in so many areas and ways. Making sure that we know from you where we can improve is part of our ongoing concerns and efforts.

Thank you for helping to improve our city.
