CAN VIRTUAL MEETING – Thursday, Dec 10, 7:00 pm

Dear CAN Members & Interested Neighbors —

On Thursday, December 10th, at 7 pm, CAN will try its first zoom virtual meeting for the CAN Board and CAN Members. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ideas for activities that CAN can be involved with next year. We need to keep in mind that the next several months are going to be the worst we have experienced, so we are looking for activities that are safe and socially responsible. With that in mind, here are some of the ideas that the Board came up with:

1. Monitor and report on the City Council meetings. With Steve Rideout retiring, we need reports on what the new City Council is doing. We will need at least 2 volunteers for this.
2. Monitor and report on the County Board Meetings. This is tougher since the quality of the video and sound is very poor but worth the effort. We need at least 2 volunteers.
3. Monitor and report on the Planning and Zoning Commission and Zoning Appeals Board meetings.
4. Follow and update information from the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).
5. Develop a welcoming package for new neighbors. Put together a package to newcomers about businesses, fun activities and local civic associations.
6. Work with Greg Boss’s rental database. We would like to identify rental property in our Wards and determine if the property is up to neighborhood standards.
7. Form a marina committee of boat owners to review what is or is not happening to the Marina.
8. Develop some fun activities for neighborhoods.

As you can see there are already a lot of ideas and I am sure you have others. We would like to know what you think and whether we can get volunteers to follow through with them. So join us this Thursday, December 10th at 7:00 pm and tell us your ideas and be sure to use the mute button when not speaking.

Chuck McFadden
President, CAN

For information contact the CAN Secretary at

Here is the link for the CAN Zoom meeting:

If you have trouble getting in:
passcode – 201386
meeting id – 4401191941