High Street Repairs – April 12, 2019

Please see Odie Wheeler’s email below along with the attachment for more information about the High Street repairs.

Sent: Fri, Apr 12, 2019 4:29 pm

Afternoon everyone;

First and foremost I would like to thank everyone for their understanding and patience’s as we have worked towards completion of the High St. rehabilitation project. The contractor has been very good in keeping at least one lane of traffic open during the day, and the entire street open in the evening and weekends. They have worked diligently to accomplish this and I think their effort has proven successful as we have not received any complaints, and to the best of my knowledge neither has City Hall and/or Council.

On Monday the brick layers will begin to lay the street pavers, which is going shut down the west side of High St. from Popular up to and including the west side of the Church St./High St. intersection, and will remain closed 24 hrs.

In consideration of this DPW and the contractor has been working to explore what would work best in trying to keep traffic flowing most effectively while the bricks are being laid.

Please see the map below indicating what traffic changes will take place beginning Monday morning.

The contractor has developed a signage package to assist directing motorist around the area. Brandon has sent this information and map to business owners earlier today, posted it on the City webpage as a traffic alert and news item which both get sent to individuals that have opted to receive those alerts, and he’s posted it on Facebook and Twitter.

At this time we are not certain how long it will take to install the pavers on this side of High St., but anticipate it to be three or more weeks. Once they have had a couple of days so we can gauge the progress, we should be able to calculate an approx. time line, as we all know weather will play a big factor in this as well.

If you have any groups, organizations etc. that you email public announcements please don’t hesitate to forward this as well.

Thank you and hope you have a great weekend.
