Highway User Revenue Formula Impacts Cambridge

From Commissioner Steve Rideout on 24 Feb 2018:

Dear Friends:

Attached is a letter to the editor from Jake Romanell, the current President of the Maryland Municipal League, regarding the issue of Highway User Revenue. As Jake indicates, cities have for a number of years received the short end of the stick with regard to these revenues that are intended to help maintain and improve city streets. The counties likewise receive this same Highway User Revenue to help maintain their roads.

As you are aware, Cambridge has a number of challenges with regard to our streets that could be helped if the state legislature and governor would adequately fund repairs and replacements.

Our Mayor and I are on the Legislative Committee of the Maryland Municipal League that is leading the effort for cities all over Maryland to restore this funding. Letting our state delegates and senator and the Governor know of your interest in this issue and urging their support could help make this effort a reality.

Thanks for considering this request.


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