CAN VIRTUAL MEETING – Thursday, Dec 10, 7:00 pm

Dear CAN Members & Interested Neighbors —

On Thursday, December 10th, at 7 pm, CAN will try its first zoom virtual meeting for the CAN Board and CAN Members. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ideas for activities that CAN can be involved with next year. We need to keep in mind that the next several months are going to be the worst we have experienced, so we are looking for activities that are safe and socially responsible. With that in mind, here are some of the ideas that the Board came up with:

1. Monitor and report on the City Council meetings. With Steve Rideout retiring, we need reports on what the new City Council is doing. We will need at least 2 volunteers for this.
2. Monitor and report on the County Board Meetings. This is tougher since the quality of the video and sound is very poor but worth the effort. We need at least 2 volunteers.
3. Monitor and report on the Planning and Zoning Commission and Zoning Appeals Board meetings.
4. Follow and update information from the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).
5. Develop a welcoming package for new neighbors. Put together a package to newcomers about businesses, fun activities and local civic associations.
6. Work with Greg Boss’s rental database. We would like to identify rental property in our Wards and determine if the property is up to neighborhood standards.
7. Form a marina committee of boat owners to review what is or is not happening to the Marina.
8. Develop some fun activities for neighborhoods.

As you can see there are already a lot of ideas and I am sure you have others. We would like to know what you think and whether we can get volunteers to follow through with them. So join us this Thursday, December 10th at 7:00 pm and tell us your ideas and be sure to use the mute button when not speaking.

Chuck McFadden
President, CAN

For information contact the CAN Secretary at

Here is the link for the CAN Zoom meeting:

If you have trouble getting in:
passcode – 201386
meeting id – 4401191941




Our speaker will be Carol Richardson, City of Cambridge Economic Development Director.

The Cambridge Association of Neighborhoods, CAN, will be having it’s bi-monthly meeting on March 12th at 7:00 pm, at the WHCP radio station at 516 Race St. As usual, all are welcome to attend. This meeting’s speaker will be Carol Richardson, the new Economic Development Director for the City. Carol has been on the job a little over 3 months after an extensive career at the Federal level. She will bring us up to date on the major projects in the City such as Sailwinds, the Packing House and the Medical Center on Route 50. So come and hear what’s happening and bring your questions – such as – Are we going to get another grocery store?

See you and your neighbors there!


ANNUAL MTG – JAN 9 – Board Elections & Presentation by Susan Webb, Cambridge Code Enforcement Director

CAN’s Annual Business Meeting will take place on Thursday, January 9, 2020, at 7:00 pm in the WHCP Meeting Room at 516 Race Street in Cambridge. Two very important items are on the Agenda.

(1) BOARD ELECTIONS. Per the CAN Bylaws, the CAN Nominating Committee identified the following candidates for inclusion on the ballot to fill the 2020 Board of Director vacancies. This ballot represents nominees received by the December 10th deadline who have been certified by the Treasurer as being Members in Good Standing. Vice President: Roman Jesien. Secretary: Tom Puglisi. Members at Large (5 vacancies): Andre Duerinckx, Rick Klepfer, Beth Kline, Sharon Smith, and Jane Weeks. A brief statement from each nominee is attached. NOTE: The terms of Chuck McFadden (President), Mary Ellen Jesien (Treasurer), Michelle Barnes (Membership Chair), and Dave Thatcher (Member at Large) expire in 2021.

(2) SUSAN WEBB – CAMBRIDGE CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY DIRECTOR. Ms. Webb will speak about current code enforcement issues in Cambridge and answer questions from the audience. Please forward any questions to Barbara Knepp ( AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

CAN Board Election – Jan 9, 2020 – Candidate Statements

The 2020 election of CAN Board Members will take place at the Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, January 9, 2020, at 7:00 pm in the WHCP Meeting Room at 516 Race Street in Cambridge.

Per the CAN Bylaws, the CAN Nominating Committee identified the following candidates for inclusion on the ballot to fill the 2020 Board of Director vacancies. This ballot represents nominees received by the December 10th deadline who have been certified by the Treasurer as being Members in Good Standing.

Vice President: Roman Jesien. Secretary: Tom Puglisi. Members at Large (5 vacancies): Andre Duerinckx, Rick Klepfer, Beth Kline, Sharon Smith, and Jane Weeks.
A brief statement from each nominee is attached.

Members who cannot attend the Annual Business Meeting on January 9, 2020, may request an absentee ballot from the CAN Secretary ( The ballot must be returned to the CAN Secretary no later than January 3, 2020.

NOTE: The terms of Chuck McFadden (President), Mary Ellen Jesien (Treasurer), Michelle Barnes (Membership Chair), and Dave Thatcher (Member at Large) expire in 2021.

Download (DOCX, 21KB)



MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR A VERY IMPORTANT, SPECIAL MEETING OF CAN MEMBERS to be held on Thursday, November 14, at 7:00 pm in the WHCP Meeting Room, 516 Race Street, Cambridge.

(1) BYLAWS CHANGE. In accordance with CAN’s Bylaws (Article IX), this SPECIAL MEETING IS NEEDED TO VOTE ON A PROPOSED Bylaws change to extend Board Member Term Limits from 2 consecutive terms to 4 consecutive terms (Article IV Section 7). This change is necessary to ensure that sufficient numbers of candidates are available to fill upcoming positions on the Board.

(2) NOMINATIONS TO CAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS. In accordance with CAN’s Bylaws (Article VIII Section 1), the CAN Nominating Committee will present the preliminary FY 2020 slate of candidates for the CAN Board of Directors. Per the Bylaws (Article IV Section 3) nominations submitted in writing to the CAN Secretary at least 30 days prior to the January 9, 2020 Annual Business meeting (i.e., no later than December 10, 2019) will be added to the candidate slate. CAN members will vote on all nominated candidates at the January 9, 2020 meeting.

(3) POSSIBLE PROPOSAL FOR THE MILL STREET SCHOOL PROPERTY. Mr Donald Dougherty has requested time to discuss with CAN members his possible proposal for development of the Mill Street school property. CAN membership is not required to participate in this discussion — all are invited.

PLEASE NOTE: The Cambridge Association of Neighborhoods (CAN) has taken no official position regarding proposals to develop the Mill Street School property. Members of CAN who express opinions on this project speak only as individuals, not as representatives of CAN.


JOIN US for the next CAN meeting —

Thursday, September 12 at 7:00 pm in the WHCP Meeting Room, 516 Race Street, Cambridge, MD 21613

* Stephanie Dalke of the University of Maryland will talk about erosion and “wet spots” in Cambridge

* Interim Executive Director Sandra Tripp-Jones will speak on the Cambridge Waterfront (“Sailwinds”) Development Project

As always, ALL are invited!!

CAN Meeting – Thursday, July 11 – 7 pm

This is a friendly reminder that the July meeting of the Cambridge Association of Neighborhoods (CAN) will be held this Thursday, July 11, at 7:00 pm in the WHCP meeting room, located at 516 Race St.

City Council Commissioner Steve Rideout will be CAN’s special guest at the meeting, Steve will speak about issues in Cambridge and take questions from those in attendance.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about what’s going on in the City and make your opinions known.

As always, the meeting is open to the public, and everyone is invited to attend and participate.

Hope to see you at the meeting!!

May 9 CAN Meeting – Discussion of City Budget & Proposed City Charter Changes

Dear CAN Members (and Potential CAN Members) —

Cambridge is facing some “interesting” issues in the coming weeks, and the CAN Board would like to get your input about them.

The first issue concerns the City budget, which is facing some formidable challenges.

There have been very large increases in workers’ compensation costs for job-related injuries, and overall employee healthcare costs are also rising significantly.
There is also a great need to raise police officers’ salaries, which are as much as $16,000 below what other Eastern shore communities are paying. As a result, Cambridge is spending large sums of money to train new police officers, only to have them move at the earliest opportunity to neighboring towns and cities where the pay is higher and the workload is lighter.
Cambridge also needs to purchase a new ladder truck for our volunteer Fire Department, which the City has been postponing for years.
The City’s probable response will be to (a) cut the budget dramatically, and (b) increase property taxes by ten cents, which would result in roughly a 12% increase.

A second issue is a proposal by Commissioners Foster, Sydnor, and Cannon to change the City Charter as it pertains to the City Manager’s personnel authority. The proposal would give the City Council much greater involvement in decision making in personnel matters. There are a lot of factors to be considered relative to this proposal, and we should all be well aware of these factors and their consequences before voting on the City Charter changes that his proposal would require.

So there’s a lot going on and a lot to discuss.

Please join us at our meeting on Thursday evening, May 9th, at 7:00 pm in the WHCP meeting room, 516 Race St.

Chuck McFadden, President, CAN