Cambridge Matters #7 – Sept 14, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
September 14, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached is my Cambridge Matters from our meeting this past Monday. It is my unofficial summary of matters that were taken up for discussion and decision. This one is longer than most as I explain some history on what brought Proposed Ordinance 1168 to the agenda for first reading and continuation over to September 28th for 2nd reading, public hearing, and possible passage.

What I offer in the attached explanation contain my views. I know that other Commissioners have different views about the issue of part time commissioners being entitled to city health and other insurance. I invite you to make up your own mind about this issue and let your Commissioner and the Mayor know your views. If you stay silent, the City Council will act in a way that may not be in the best interest of the city, its full time staff, and its tax payers.

Thanks for reading.


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Cambridge Matters #7.5 – September 4, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
September 4, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached is my short unofficial report on the Special Session of the Cambridge City Council that took place this morning.

In addition, I am attaching some of the documents that I mention in that report so that you can have a better understanding of the matters that were raised and discussed.

I hope that this is helpful to you.


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Cambridge Matters #8 – August 24, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
August 24, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached is my unofficial report on the meeting last night along with a few comments and explanations. I hope that it is helpful in explaining some of the challenges that we continue to face.

One issue of importance to all of the city is the Housing Task Force that I mention. As I indicate, I am able to appoint two representatives to the Task Force from Ward 1. If you are interested, please let me know. I am hopeful that the Task Force will take a look at all of the studies that we have done since 1969 and make some recommendations on things that we can to with, hopefully, some ideas about how we could do them.

This is an issue that continues to get studied and never resolved. Let’s try to head in that direction.

Thanks for reading. Seven more to go.


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Cambridge Matters #10 – July 27, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
July 27, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached are my meeting notes from last night’s meeting along with a letter from the Dorchester County NAACP regarding the upcoming election. While I have talked about the upcoming election in earlier reports, understand that everyone wants an open and honest election, and I believe that we will have that and more as a result of the planning for the upcoming election on October 17th. In order to encourage voting by every registered voter, they will be mailed a ballot at his or her address as known by the County Election Board.

We have an excellent and knowledgeable private provider in place. As the Supervisor of Elections will be mailing out ballots to every registered voter in the city; if you have moved since you last registered and have not updated that information, please do so at the county election office. If you choose to vote in person rather than by mail or by absentee ballot, the Supervisor of Elections with the assistance and approval of the Election Judges has chosen the Cambridge Center of Chesapeake College on Race Street for the place to vote. There are entrances to the building from Race Street and from the rear parking lot.

Every Candidate will be allowed to have a poll watcher to observe what is happening at the polls as well as process for the Election Judges opening the mail in ballots. Every effort is being made to ensure that every vote counts.

When you see the results of this years voting for the Mayor and City Council, remember our last election in July 2016. Four of the six races were uncontested. With each Ward having around 1750 registered voters, we had the following voting totals:

Ward 1 – Steve Rideout – 145
Ward 2 – Donald Sydnor – 50
Ward 3 – LaShon Foster – 179 to 166 for Frank Cooke = 345 total
Ward 4 – Dave Cannon 151 to 139 for Dion Banks = 290 total
Ward 5- Robbie Hanson – 60

Mayor – Victoria Jackson Stanley – 653

I hope that every race this year will be contested and that voters will be able to hear from the candidates about their positions on the important issues facing the city.

Thanks for reading.


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Cambridge Matters #11 – July 14, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
July 14, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached please find my informal report on last night’s meeting of the Cambridge City Council. As with all meetings there were some interesting discussions. Unlike other meetings this one went quite long.

I have tried to condense what happened to provide you with the basics of the issue and outcomes.


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Cambridge Matters #12 – July 5, 2020 – Annual Report

Commissioner Steve Rideout
July 5, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached please find my report on what city council has done (not all of it) over the past 6 months. To remind you of what we did from July 1-December 25 of 2019, I am also attaching my prior report to you.

I hope that they are helpful. They do not cover everything that was done but those things that I think are the most important for the management and future of the city.

Let me know if you have questions. I have taken the information from my prior Cambridge Matters reports.


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Cambridge Matters – July 6, 2020 – Juvenile Justice

Commissioner Steve Rideout
July 6, 2020

Dear Readers:

Cat Beise has interviewed me about my earlier article on Juvenile Justice that I sent to you where I talk about how we need to be spending our money more wisely to address challenges that all of our youth are facing. It will be on WHCP radio starting today either on the radio at 101.5 fm locally or streaming at on the MidShore MidDay program that starts at noon. It is not the complete interview with another portion coming soon.

What City Council will be discussing on Tuesday evening at 5:00 p.m. at a meeting about a possible curfew for juveniles that can be seen at is an example of how we are not planning to use our money wisely. For years I have advocated here for programs for youth during the summer and for summer jobs for our teens. I have not been successful in achieving my goal but am delighted to see that thanks to the J2W Foundation there will be some summer programs and camps at the Empowerment Center this summer and there have been some reading support programs for some students because of school closing due to the Covid-19 virus.

What is being considered tomorrow evening, if successful, will be spending money both inefficiently and ineffectively after the fact. It will be inefficient because the police, social service workers, and other manpower will be misused to make it work within the proper requirements of the law. Their time will be misspent on a curfew issue and where and how to identify parents willing to take their child home or placing the child at a center that will cost the city money. All of that will pull our limited number of police officers away from what we need them for, protecting the community, and paying for a shelter placement for those children not able to go home.

In addition, my experience in the juvenile justice system as a lawyer representing youth for 20 years and as a juvenile court judge for 15 years is that the system, no matter where it is located, is not efficient due to the reasonable efforts to provide services and keep youth, to the extent possible, out of the system. That means that most of the cases started because of a curfew violation will never come to court; or if they do, they will take months to process and use resources that are needed for other cases involving children with more significant issues and challenges. Ultimately, what might be accomplished could be accomplished by existing programs that are known to work to which a child could be referred or a mentorship program to help students in their school setting.

I hope to explain all of my reasons for opposing any proposed curfew at our meeting on Tuesday evening, but understand that if any curfew ordinance is passed, the city will be spending money unwisely, after the fact, and in an unproductive way that will support the belief that we are picking on one segment of our community that is not the major cause of the problems that we face here.

If we are to spend money, we need to do it to try to prevent these problems from arising in the first place and intervening in the lives of children in ways that will give them hope and a belief that they can be successful and that everyone is not against them.


Cambridge Matters – Juvenile Justice & Funding Reallocation – June 10, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
June 10, 2020

Dear Readers:

On occasion I write on topics other than what is happening with the Cambridge City Council.

I offer the attached, which is somewhat of an update of a paper that I wrote 12 years ago on how to fund juvenile programs. Our children today are facing so many challenges for which our city, county, and community do not have resources to help. I am sure that there are others who have similar and even better ideas than the attached, but in order to make the change that needs to be made to give many of our youth a chance, we need to speak out and share our thoughts, opinions, and ideas.

This is not offered as being “the” answer but rather to prompt us to start a conversation about doing something differently that can be part of the answer.


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Cambridge Matters #13 – June 8, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
June 8, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached is my unofficial report on last night’s meeting. As I indicate in the report, it had many twists and turns.

I do not go into every detail as what was accomplished in the final analysis is what is important.

While I was disappointed that we were not able to achieve every point we wanted, we achieved most and compromised where we had to in order to help the restaurant and business community.

I hope it helps you understand the importance of what city council does and the importance of community engagement all the time and not just when the “hot” topic comes up.


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