Cambridge Matters #25 – Dec 24, 2019

Commissioner Steve Rideout
December 24, 2019

Dear Readers:

Please find attached my final 2019 Cambridge Matters.

I am looking forward to 2020 and all that I think we can accomplish in the coming year. I also look forward to reporting to you this coming summer all that that has been done during the current Fiscal Year.

All the Best wishes to you and yours in the coming year.


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Cambridge Matters #26 – Dec 9, 2019

Commissioner Steve Rideout
December 9, 2019

Dear Readers:

Attached is my last meeting report for 2019. Oh how quickly the year has run. Two of the attachments are in PDF.

In a couple of weeks, I am hope to provide you with an update of what has been done here in the city since July 1st.

Merry Christmas to everyone with the hope that your Holidays will be blessed.


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Cambridge Matters #27 – Nov 27, 2019

Commissioner Steve Rideout
November 27, 2019

Dear Readers:

With no City Council Meeting this week, I decided to provide some additional information to you that I hope is helpful and give you a break from what your elected officials and city staff are doing.

In addition to what is attached, I also learned the other day that we have been able to hire two new police officers who are already qualified and so are not required to go through the training program for recruits.

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Don’t forget the Christmas Tree lighting ceremonies on Saturday evening November 30th at the Courthouse starting at 5:00 p.m.


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Cambridge Matters #28 – Nov 12, 2019

Commissioner Steve Rideout
November 13, 2019

Dear Readers:

Attached please find my unofficial report from last night. Some important matters were addressed, although that might not appear to be the case.

The trash ordinance was continued to December 9th. It is an important matter that needs community support. If we are going to have a cleaner and more attractive city, we need to set some minimal standards for all of us to meet. What is proposed is much of what was required under our rules and regulations before we went to private trash collection. When that happened, we did not change our old rules to adapt to our new situation.

Please mark your calendar to come to the city council meeting on December 9th to give us your opinion or at least send an email to the mayor and commissioners to let them know what you think.

If you have questions, I am happy to talk with you.


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Cambridge Matters – Oct 18 Pine Street Meeting

Commissioner Steve Rideout
October 1, 2019

Dear Readers:

You may not have seen this notice, so I am forwarding it to you. The Pine Street Area Project is one of the most important initiatives that is taking place here in the City of Cambridge. As there is much that is historically important about this part of the city and in particular the housing in this area, the city and the state will have to make some important decisions about what properties can be rehabilitated and what are too far gone to fix. It will also need to look at what kinds of houses might be appropriate to replace those that may have to be torn down in order to maintain to the extent possible the historic character of this part of our community.

I was only just made aware of this meeting but wanted to give you a heads up about it. As the liaison to the HPC for City Council, I want to advocate for saving as many of the historic homes in this area as possible. Your presence can help the right decisions being made.

See the announcement below.


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ADA Accessibility Fair – Oct 12, 2019 – Noon to 4 pm

Please join your ADA Awareness Committee this Saturday Oct. 12th from Noon to 4pm for their very first ADA Awareness Fair. This event is to make available resources for our special needs citizens, seniors and their caregivers. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Please share with your colleges and friends,

Dave Cannon
City Commissioner
4th Ward, Cambridge Md.
443-477-4415 – Cell
410-228-4020 City Hall

Cambridge Matters – Oct 4 City-County Work Session

Commissioner Steve Rideout
October 4, 2019

Dear Readers:

Attached is a report on a meeting that we had today about all that is going on around town and what help we are being given by the Maryland DHCD or interest that is being shown for some of the development projects that are being undertaken.

I was taking notes while Secretary Holt was talking and so may have missed something or misconstrued what he said but I think that I have collected most of the information accurately if not totally complete.

I hope it is helpful.


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Cambridge Matters – 2020 Census Committee

Commissioner Steve Rideout
October 4, 2019

Dear Readers:

In the event you have not seen this from another source, I am forwarding a letter from Nancy Shockley about the effort to have a good response to the upcoming Census in 2020. It is important that the County be as accurate as possible for many reasons. If this is a matter that is of interest to you and you would like to help, please see the attached letter and consider volunteering on the committee.


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