Live stream:
Attendees: George Pfeffer, President; Mike Detmer, Vice President; Rob Kramer, Jr; William Nichols; Ricky Travers; Jerry Jones, County Manager; Irene Barnes, Administrative Specialist; Charles MacLeod, Attorney
Open Session
Closed Session
Reconvene into Open Session: 6:06 PM.
Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
Financial Report: General Fund Cash on Hand – General Fund has $32,945,917.14 on hand.
Closed Session Summary – Mr. Pfeffer reported on the closed session which covered a personnel matter.
Consent Agenda – The consent agenda was approved.
- County Council Open Session Minutes – January 21, 2025
- Accounts Payable Disbursement Report – Week Ending January 31, 2025
- Administrative Office of the Courts – AY2025 Courthouse Security Funding – Circuit Court
- Request to Advertise for Proposals – Towing Services – Public Works
- Letter of Support – FY25 Educational Facilities Master Plan – Dorchester County Public Schools
- Cooperative Agreement – Noxious Weeds – Maryland Department of Agriculture
- National Outdoor Show Month – February – introduction of Miss Outdoors, Little Miss Outdoors and Little Mr. Outdoors.
- Blackwater Wildlife Refuge Update by Marcia Pradines, Project Leader –
The Refuge was established in 1933. In 2024, the refuge planted 49 acres of corn,150 acres of clover and 12 acres of millet for wildlife; very dry conditions have made results okay, not great; avian flu a problem but they haven’t had as many ducks and geese as usual (but did test one Great Blue Heron which was positive); planning 100 acre marsh restoration; 883 acres sprayed to control phragmites and some other invasive grasses; created 27,000 feet of firebreak in the forest area, covering one-third of the area. Two acquisitions: 150-acre easement in Wicomico County, 460 acres purchased right across from Visitor Center. Their money comes from hunting permits, no tax dollars involved. 1500 muskrat trapping units awarded, some new trappers, to manage population growth; 4176 deer hunting permits, 1200 bow hunting (Sept – Jan). They’re encouraging lead-free ammo, have workshops and $25 or $50 gift cards available. University of Delaware did a deer survey indicating 62-70 deer per square mile, but they have no previous data to frame this finding. New parking lot at Key Wallace Drive for snakehead fishermen, and Visitor Center restoration is planned.
- Detmer complained that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service manages 36,000 acres and the county only gets $50K in taxes annually; he complimented their proactive approach to wildlife management.
- The refuge draws many visitors to the area, who spend money here.
- Cambridge Resiliency Initiative by Larry White, P.E. – (a FEMA approved and funded Flood Mitigation Project) requesting approval of tie-in to six properties in Dorchester County. Background: by 2050 a two-foot sea level rise is anticipated, including intense storms with 5” rain in an hour, 15” over 24 hours. They propose two sites for tie-in: Pinks Pond and Bellevue Ave. Proposing Living Shoreline, which differs from hard infrastructure like levees in that it absorbs energy, but they need greater elevation, so they’re planning an embankment with Living Shoreline on the water side (FEMA loved this). Designed for overtopping, the berm will look like a sand dune. They have $1.7M for Phase I, Design, which is 30% complete and have applied for $1.6M for Phase II. The project will ask for citizen input in June, after design drawings are completed. The Army Corps of Engineers discovered that some NJ projects survived Hurricane Sandy and they’re basing their plans on those. Trying to blend in with existing shoreline, though there will be rip-rap at Pinks Pond. The road (Hambrooks Blvd) will have to be elevated 4 feet. Great Marsh Park will become a stormwater management center with an embankment. They will excavate the park and put in pervious material to absorb water. They will have ongoing maintenance to keep the infrastructure up. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is also funding habitat restoration along with the living shoreline.
- Detmer: will this reduce recreational use at Great Marsh Park? No, their goal is to have water drain off overnight or in a couple days max.
- Travers: has this idea been tested? Yes, they found a San Francisco project like this, but this design hasn’t been done a lot; cutting-edge engineering.
- Travers: yes, the Army Corps promised ten years ago that Rooster Island would come back if they carried out a planned project, but it did not.
- Travers: have they talked to the residents about a 7’ berm and a 4’ raised road? No, waiting on Council approval, but Mr. White says people will be able to see over the berm.
- The Council is not willing to approve the county tie-in until the project talks with property owners.
Legislative Session: 911 fee increase to $2 per month – approved
Action Items:
- Wild Goose Chase (a bike race) at Blackwater on September 14th – approved
- Earmarks discussion: The County Manager Jerry Jones was asked to create a list of possible expenditures to be provided to the state legislators.
- Poll confirmation – approved
- Approved submitting a grant application for $489k for a sewer pump upgrade.
Council comments:
Mr. Travers: loss of a long time Fire Department member.
Mr. Detmer: meeting of Choptank Solar and Storage Co tomorrow at Packing House 4-7. He then reiterated his concerns about decommissioning solar installation; suggested bond. He announced that 1099s coming from Comptroller’s office have printing error. More and more concerned about state budget deficit – the numbers are bad and they’re going to get worse. He encourages people to be informed. Raise property taxes 10%? No, but that’s what they’ll have to consider.
Mr. Pfeffer: the state is pushing $3.5 – 4M in expenditures onto Dorchester County to help balance the state budget. The county takes in $36M, schools get $26M and want more because the Board of Education has a $10M deficit largely because of the Blueprint for Excellence expenses. In 2008, the county had to lay people off and now they have no fat to cut. The sheriff’s department costs $6M; the EMS $5M – can’t get any savings there. He says if they refuse to pay the money the state wants, the state will impound county tax receipts.
Public comments
- Kathleen Abbott: Miss Outdoors Dorchester will be chosen February 21-22
- Sharon Smith: Dorchester County residents need to send messages of concern to our state delegations and governor about the budget crisis. Mr. Pfeffer says the Big 8 (Central MD counties) don’t want to touch Blueprint.
- Morgan Tolley asks for state contact information to be placed on county website.
- Bucky Jackson: we have too many schools for the number of students, so close some schools.
- Nichols expressed at length about his unwillingness to increase taxes; tells a story about an 87-year-old woman who can barely afford to remain in her home; can’t do anything that would affect elderly.
Adjournment – 7:48 PM
Notes submitted by Richard Bearman & Sharon Smith, Cambridge Association of Neighborhoods (CAN)