Cambridge Matters – Kindergarten Readiness – 28 Nov 2018

Commissioner Steve Rideout
November 28, 2018

Dear Readers:

Every once in a while I take a look at some aspect of our community and write about it. Some time ago it was about how we are doing as a small town in America.

What is attached is some information about how well we are doing in the county and in the City of Cambridge with regard to kindergarten readiness. The difference between the readiness of kindergarten students arriving at schools in the county and those in the city is striking. I am also attaching a power point presentation that was provided to the school board this past April about the 2017 results for Dorchester children arriving at kindergarten.

I welcome your thoughts about the above. Please share this with whomever you wish. We need to do more sooner to help our school system improve.

Thanks for reading.


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