December 5, 2024, 6PM-8PM

Board Members Present:  Chuck McFadden (President), Roman Jesien (Vice President, Kim Miller (Interim Secretary), Sharon Smith, Judd Vickers, Andre Duerinckx

Board Members Absent:  Dave Thatcher (Treasurer), Tom Puglisi, Mary Ellen Jesien, Brad Rice

Live Stream Recording:

1.  Opening Comments: Chuck McFadden (President) – Topics: 1) Nominations for Board 2) Facilitation on important issues in Cambridge and what should CAN focus on in 2025. Chuck discussed past CAN work:

  • Ongoing Unofficial Communications of City and County meetings: council, zoning, etc.
  • Code enforcement awareness
  • CWDI review of strategy, finances, minutes, discussions with CWDI  and Y leadership. Created Y-Survey and presentation to Council, YMCA and CWDI in 2024.
  •  Cannery Park – support of bike path, park – plans. Helping to connect people to discuss how to maintain and create awareness for the park.  Friends of Cannery Park need your support.
  • Shore line resiliency project updates
  • Ongoing discussions with council members, city leaders and administrators:  Administrative Building, Train Garden, Hearn Building, Police force- resourcing/crime, Fire Equipment, Marina, Downtown development
  • Schools: education curriculum improvement awareness- new superintendent presentation/discussion

2.  Code enforcement: Judd discussed examples of code enforcement issues within Cambridge.

3.  Chuck talked about how CAN brings issues to City Council.

4.  Facilitation Exercise: Participants placed a single response on a post it note. Multiple responses were allowed. Like responses were categorized/combined. Categories were reviewed. Categories were prioritized by participants (3 votes allowed for each participant).

  • Twenty (20) ‘in person’ participants for Question 1: What do you think is the most important issue within Cambridge?
  • Responses by Priority:
  1. CWDI accountability & transparency. (17/20)
  2. Managing growth, marketing and revitalization of city. (13/20)
  3. Code enforcement of laws and regulations. Property upkeep. Street Parking. Historic Comm. Permits. Mismanagement of state funded homes. (11/20)
  4.  Education/curriculum (4/20)
  5. Sea Level Rise (Sewer project, Resiliency project)  (3/20)
  6. Racism (1/20)
  7. Citizen/community involvement with government (1/20)
  8. Cannery Park (1/20)
  9. High Tax rate assessment given services provided  (1/20)
  10. Crime (1/20)
  • Twenty-two (22) ‘in person’ participants for Question 2: What do you think CAN should focus on in 2025?
  • Responses by Priority:
  1. Maintain pressure on CWDI and Cambridge Govt. to ensure forward appropriate progress. (19/22)
  2. Continue to attend city and county meetings. Track City initiatives. Take unofficial minutes. Ask questions. Encourage transparency on issues and budgets. Bring community issues to the council as needed. Speak Truth to Power.  (17/22)
  3. Code Enforcement – make the council aware of issues (see also above). (14/22)
  4. Community involvement/ outreach/ clean-up projects. Helping people in need to attempt to improve the overall quality of life in Cambridge. Connecting people to educational, social services, art/cultural resources, etc. (14/22)
  5. Communicate to the Cambridge thru Community emails, Facebook sites US Mail, Next Door: newsletters, unofficial meeting minutes, news articles, announcements/updates. Hold public meetings. Maintain CAN website ( and CAN Facebook ( Expand membership from 1100 members and find ways to engage potential members from other wards. (9/22)
  6. Downtown Development (including parking) (8/22)
  7. Police force (more officers/support) (6/22)
  8.  Mill Street School Development (4/22)
  9. Cannery Park & additional dog parks (4/22)

5.  Nominations:

  • Tom Puglisi- stepping down as secretary due to relocation.
  • Nomination of Kim Miller to Secretary (acting as interim secretary now). Renewal of Sharon Smith, Andre Duerinckx, Roman Jesien. All 4 nominations were accepted at the meeting.
  • Two additional board members can be added.

6.    Questions/Comments from the audience.

  • How does CAN get information to and from ALL communities?  We do our best to advertise meetings on Facebook, Next Door, email, CAN website, post flyers in laundromats, post office, and library. Our website and Facebook pages have a “Contact Us” page and Facebook Administrators receive and review questions/concerns as needed.
  • What are the mounds of dirt? Promenade (possibly) – will inquire.
  •  Suggestions/discussions:  Music venues. Survey on CWDI.

Chuck McFadden thanked the audience for participating in the meeting and we all enjoyed holiday desserts.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Minutes submitted by Kim Miller, CAN Interim Secretary

CAN Meeting – Dec 5 – Dorchester County Historical Society (1003 Greenway Dr.)

Cambridge Association of Neighborhoods (CAN) will hold its December meeting at 6 pm on December 5th at the Dorchester County Historical Society, located at 1003 Greenway Drive in Cambridge.

On the agenda will be nominations for the Board for the 2025-2027 term (elections to be held January 2025) and discussion of priorities for the new year.  We will also enjoy refreshments to celebrate the holiday season.

The meeting will be live-streamed (thanks to WHCP) for those who cannot attend in person (see links below):   and on Facebook at

Join CAN for FREE at

CAN Public Meeting – July 11 with New DCPS Superintendent

Mark you calendar for 6:30 at the Cambridge Library Meeting room on July 11th. CAN is having a public members meeting to introduce the new Dorchester Co. Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Jymil Thompson. Dorchester Co is going through some tough times with low scores and two Board Members resigning. So come and find out what are the issues and what the new Superintendent would like to do to fix it. All members of the community, even us retirees need to support improvements in the school system if we want Cambridge to grow. Come and participate.