CAN Public Meeting Jan 30th @ 6 PM Dorchester County Historical Society 1003 Greenway Dr.

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We are excited to announce that Chief Justin Todd of the Cambridge Police will be joining us as a guest speaker at the CAN Public Meeting on Jan 30th at 6pm to discuss the 2024 crime statistics and the new initiatives put in place this past year.
Mark your calendars and don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Chief Todd!

Enjoy some croissants with toppings to celebrate National Croissant Day!

The meeting will be live-streamed for those who cannot attend in person (links below):

Join CAN for FREE at

CAN Unofficial Notes Dorchester County Council Meeting – 17Dec2024

Present: George Pfeffer, President; Mike Detmer, Vice President; Rob Kramer; William Nichols; Ricky Travers; Jerry Jones, County Manager; Charles MacLeod, County Attorney; Irene Barnes, Administrative Specialist

The Open Session of the meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM followed by the invocation and pledge.

Two additions and one deletion from the agenda were approved.

Financial report: General Fund has $35,554,XXX on hand. Mr. Pfeffer reported on the closed session summary. The consent agenda was approved.

Legislative Session:

  1. Rural Event Venue – Guest Cottage Text Amendment was approved
  2. Introduction – Abolishing Board of Electrical Examiners was approved. Public meeting to be scheduled.
  3. Introduction – Burial Sites Reservation Repeal was introduced.

Mr. Kramer presented a commendation for Dalton Robinson, police officer.

Joe Candella, Board President; Eric Johnson, Executive Director; and Lei Ellingson, Deputy Director gave a presentation of VAMSA, Veteran & Military Support Alliance. VAMSA provides resources and support to veterans and military in Dorchester County through a partnership with For All Seasons. VAMSA has its 501(c)(3) since 2023. All services are offered free of charge.

FY2026 Rural Legacy Application (P&Z) was approved.

The Ethics Commission Board appointment was approved. Two additions to agenda were approved; one requests a letter of support

Council comments: Mr. Nichols thanked the many people who helped his grandson who lost everything in a fire. Mr. Kramer & Mr. Travers wished us all a Merry Christmas. Mr. Detmer congratulated Mr. Pfeffer on his election to Maryland Association of Counties (MACO) leadership and noted that state mandates for education and energy goals were problematic.

Public comments: Dorothy Sandinsky had comments about VAMSA, burial sites, and solar.

The meeting adjourned at 7:07 PM.

Minutes submitted by Richard Bearman.


December 5, 2024, 6PM-8PM

Board Members Present:  Chuck McFadden (President), Roman Jesien (Vice President, Kim Miller (Interim Secretary), Sharon Smith, Judd Vickers, Andre Duerinckx

Board Members Absent:  Dave Thatcher (Treasurer), Tom Puglisi, Mary Ellen Jesien, Brad Rice

Live Stream Recording:

1.  Opening Comments: Chuck McFadden (President) – Topics: 1) Nominations for Board 2) Facilitation on important issues in Cambridge and what should CAN focus on in 2025. Chuck discussed past CAN work:

  • Ongoing Unofficial Communications of City and County meetings: council, zoning, etc.
  • Code enforcement awareness
  • CWDI review of strategy, finances, minutes, discussions with CWDI  and Y leadership. Created Y-Survey and presentation to Council, YMCA and CWDI in 2024.
  •  Cannery Park – support of bike path, park – plans. Helping to connect people to discuss how to maintain and create awareness for the park.  Friends of Cannery Park need your support.
  • Shore line resiliency project updates
  • Ongoing discussions with council members, city leaders and administrators:  Administrative Building, Train Garden, Hearn Building, Police force- resourcing/crime, Fire Equipment, Marina, Downtown development
  • Schools: education curriculum improvement awareness- new superintendent presentation/discussion

2.  Code enforcement: Judd discussed examples of code enforcement issues within Cambridge.

3.  Chuck talked about how CAN brings issues to City Council.

4.  Facilitation Exercise: Participants placed a single response on a post it note. Multiple responses were allowed. Like responses were categorized/combined. Categories were reviewed. Categories were prioritized by participants (3 votes allowed for each participant).

  • Twenty (20) ‘in person’ participants for Question 1: What do you think is the most important issue within Cambridge?
  • Responses by Priority:
  1. CWDI accountability & transparency. (17/20)
  2. Managing growth, marketing and revitalization of city. (13/20)
  3. Code enforcement of laws and regulations. Property upkeep. Street Parking. Historic Comm. Permits. Mismanagement of state funded homes. (11/20)
  4.  Education/curriculum (4/20)
  5. Sea Level Rise (Sewer project, Resiliency project)  (3/20)
  6. Racism (1/20)
  7. Citizen/community involvement with government (1/20)
  8. Cannery Park (1/20)
  9. High Tax rate assessment given services provided  (1/20)
  10. Crime (1/20)
  • Twenty-two (22) ‘in person’ participants for Question 2: What do you think CAN should focus on in 2025?
  • Responses by Priority:
  1. Maintain pressure on CWDI and Cambridge Govt. to ensure forward appropriate progress. (19/22)
  2. Continue to attend city and county meetings. Track City initiatives. Take unofficial minutes. Ask questions. Encourage transparency on issues and budgets. Bring community issues to the council as needed. Speak Truth to Power.  (17/22)
  3. Code Enforcement – make the council aware of issues (see also above). (14/22)
  4. Community involvement/ outreach/ clean-up projects. Helping people in need to attempt to improve the overall quality of life in Cambridge. Connecting people to educational, social services, art/cultural resources, etc. (14/22)
  5. Communicate to the Cambridge thru Community emails, Facebook sites US Mail, Next Door: newsletters, unofficial meeting minutes, news articles, announcements/updates. Hold public meetings. Maintain CAN website ( and CAN Facebook ( Expand membership from 1100 members and find ways to engage potential members from other wards. (9/22)
  6. Downtown Development (including parking) (8/22)
  7. Police force (more officers/support) (6/22)
  8.  Mill Street School Development (4/22)
  9. Cannery Park & additional dog parks (4/22)

5.  Nominations:

  • Tom Puglisi- stepping down as secretary due to relocation.
  • Nomination of Kim Miller to Secretary (acting as interim secretary now). Renewal of Sharon Smith, Andre Duerinckx, Roman Jesien. All 4 nominations were accepted at the meeting.
  • Two additional board members can be added.

6.    Questions/Comments from the audience.

  • How does CAN get information to and from ALL communities?  We do our best to advertise meetings on Facebook, Next Door, email, CAN website, post flyers in laundromats, post office, and library. Our website and Facebook pages have a “Contact Us” page and Facebook Administrators receive and review questions/concerns as needed.
  • What are the mounds of dirt? Promenade (possibly) – will inquire.
  •  Suggestions/discussions:  Music venues. Survey on CWDI.

Chuck McFadden thanked the audience for participating in the meeting and we all enjoyed holiday desserts.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Minutes submitted by Kim Miller, CAN Interim Secretary

CAN Unofficial Notes Dorchester County Council Meeting – 19Nov2024

CAN Unofficial Notes Dorchester County Council Meeting
November 19, 2024

Present: R. Travers, M. Detmer, L. Pfeffer (chair), R. Kramer.  Absent: W. Nichols
Call to order 6:07pm.

Items: Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda: Additions (1). Deletions (0.)
Finance report [$35,903,914.85 cash on hand General Fund].

Consent agenda:
1. Commendation to Audrey Wanax, HS student, for requesting a crosswalk at North Dorchester HS.
2. Legislative session – Proposal to allow rural event venue passed. Schedule public hearing. Mr. Travers discussed art license and venue license will be necessary -passed.

Action Items:
1. DCHD Connect – MD Home Stretch difficult to serve – a grant to provide enhanced broadband to homes and businesses that are set back from the road @ $8K: passed
2. Tower license renewal Greenbriar Road; originally approved 1995, renewed twice, most recently 2012; renewed
3. Architecture Commission appointees – approve all; passed
4. FY2025 Project Open Space: put pickleball courts on tennis courts (2 for 1); passed
5. FY2025 Operating grant agreement with Delmarva Community Services; MTA grant – there’s a local match built into budget; approved
6. Traffic Safety Commission – Mr. Detmer presents:
a. Guard rail requested; approved
b. Special needs child sign; approved
7. Two final (inaudible) funding requests ;passed

Council comments:
Mr. Tavers reported getting complaints from Hambrooks area re: flooding
Mr. Detmer spoke approvingly about tournaments coming to Cambridge; continued concerns about doing solar correctly; notes CPD officer killed 20 years ago

Public comment:
Q: Can we have a speed camera at NDHS?
A: There is a speed camera trailer which perhaps can be scheduled.

Adjourn: 6:50pm
Notes compiled by D. Bearman

Baltimore Banner Article: Court Orders Maryland to Redo Permit for Eastern Shore Poultry Rendering Plant

Check out this interesting news article from the Baltimore Banner discussing the environmental impact of a local plant emitting pollutants at high concentrations from poultry products that cause oxygen “dead zones” suffocating underwater life. The Dorchester County Judge questions whether the State’s new permit does enough to reduce the volume of nitrogen and phosphorous the plant discharges into the Transquaking River that ultimately empties into the Chesapeake.