SPECIAL HPC MTG – Mill Street School – June 18 – 3 pm

The City of Cambridge Historic Preservation Commission will conduct a meeting on Tuesday June 18, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 305 Gay Street to discuss the Historical Significance of the Mill Street School building (201 Mill Street).

Public comment as it pertains to either the historic or non-historic significance of the school building will be allowed.

Each person will be allocated 2 minutes for their comments.

Planning & Zoning Notes – 03.16.2019

Attached please find Planning Commission Notes for 3-5-19, together with the Board of Appeals agenda for 3-26-19. The BOA agenda includes the Parking amendment for new Cafe which will be located in the building on Locust Street that was formerly Hyser’s Confectionery.

Judd Vickers, CAN Vice President and Housing Quality Committee Chair

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