Unofficial Minutes of County Council Meeting – December 3, 2024

Present: Travers, Detmer, Pfeffer (chair), Kramer, and Nichols, County Council.          County Manager Jerry Jones, Attorney Charles MacCleod, Irene Barnes

Meeting opened at 6:03pm.  Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

Items of business:

  1. Election of Officers: President Mr. Pfeffer; Vice President Mr. Detmer
  2. Budget: Mr. Travers says to be very conservative since we don’t know which way things are going; Mr. Nichols agrees, nothing major. Mr. Detmer commends County Manager and staff for consistency. Asks to be conservative but creative. With MD facing $2.7B deficit, Mr. Pfeffer wants to be sure there is achievement of personnel parity since there is uncertaintly as to what items will get cut.
  3. Family Advocacy Clinic Legal Services:  Attempt to decrease instances of abuse or neglect. Hope to get started in Spring. Keep family issues out of government.
  4. Letter of support for MD $300K grant for Hyatt redecking is approved.
  5. Council comments: Mr. Detmer says Christmas tree is special and is looking forward to the parade. Anticipates learning more about solar at Assoc. of Counties meeting. Commends Roger Harrell, Health Officer and Theresa Stafford (dec) for their impact.
  6. Public comment: Rec. schedule is published. Brian Shea, commercial developer, commends agencies. County engineer has issue with administrative fees. Mr. Pfeffer asks him to connect with Shea and Jones and educate the Council on these fees.
  7. Adjourn: 6:35pm

Minutes submitted by Richard Bearman; edits by K. Miller.

Baltimore Banner Article: Court Orders Maryland to Redo Permit for Eastern Shore Poultry Rendering Plant

Check out this interesting news article from the Baltimore Banner discussing the environmental impact of a local plant emitting pollutants at high concentrations from poultry products that cause oxygen “dead zones” suffocating underwater life. The Dorchester County Judge questions whether the State’s new permit does enough to reduce the volume of nitrogen and phosphorous the plant discharges into the Transquaking River that ultimately empties into the Chesapeake.


CAN Meeting – Dec 5 – Dorchester County Historical Society (1003 Greenway Dr.)

Cambridge Association of Neighborhoods (CAN) will hold its December meeting at 6 pm on December 5th at the Dorchester County Historical Society, located at 1003 Greenway Drive in Cambridge.

On the agenda will be nominations for the Board for the 2025-2027 term (elections to be held January 2025) and discussion of priorities for the new year.  We will also enjoy refreshments to celebrate the holiday season.

The meeting will be live-streamed (thanks to WHCP) for those who cannot attend in person (see links below):   and on Facebook at

Join CAN for FREE at