Cambridge Matters – March 12, 2023 – Summer Youth Program

Mayor Stephen Rideout

Dear Readers:

Attached is some information about a summer program for youth that will be held at DCTC here in Cambridge this summer. They have a number of fun and interesting offerings for the youth of Dorchester, Talbot, and Caroline Counties. Please share with those that you know who have rising 7th, 8th, or 9th graders.

A new course about aviation is being developed, and plans are in the works to have a Fly-In to the Cambridge Airport in late April to give those youth who are willing and and have parents who will approve the opportunity to take a short plane ride to experience something they may not have experienced before.

As more details are available, I will share them.


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Cambridge Matters – Juvenile Delinquency – Jan 28, 2023

Mayor Stephen Rideout

Dear Readers:

Attached is my Cambridge Matters along with some data regarding juvenile delinquency matters. I am sending this along to help you understand more about what our level of crime and delinquency here is now and what our police chief is planning to do to get more and better detailed information to all of us in the future.

There is much in the attached document from the Department of Juvenile Services that can help you understand more about how cases are processed and what actions are taken by DJS and/or the court. I hope that this is helpful.


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Cambridge Matters – Dec 3 Mayor’s Youth Forum at Empowerment Center

Mayor Stephen Rideout

Dear Readers:

Attached is a notice about a second Mayor’s Forum on Youth and the Proposed Curfew. We are holding this one at the Empowerment Center on Pine Street on December 7th at 6:00 p.m. I hope that you will be able to come.

We would like to hear the voices of our youth about what is working here; what is not working here; what they think of the idea of a curfew; and what we as a community might do differently.

Last Monday we had a great conversation by the adults, but that is not enough. We need to hear from our youth about their ideas to find out what they want,

Last Monday’s conversation is found on the Cambridge Page of Town Hall Streams. See what ideas were shared there.

I look forward to seeing you,


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Cambridge Matters – Mayor’s Forum on Youth, Nov 28

Mayor Stephen Rideout

Dear Readers:

Attached is the notice regarding the upcoming Mayor’s Forum on Youth. I have copied it in Word and PDF as I am learning that some prefer one over the other.

I encourage people to email me at with your questions, concerns, offers of help, and ideas so that I can try to pull them together as part of an opening presentation and focus of our discussion.

Please feel free to share on social media or with anyone you think will have an interest.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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Cambridge Matters – Nov 3, 2022

Mayor Stephen Rideout

Dear Readers:

In the event you did not see the interview below, Kevin Diaz of WHCP and Dave Wheelan of the Spy Community Media interviewed me on a variety of topics.

The Spy provides a lot of good information about Cambridge and the Eastern Shore and is free, electronic, and comes every day.


The Spy and our partner, WHCP Community Radio, are thrilled to continue our informal conversations with the Mayor of Cambridge this month. With the enthusiastic support of newly-elected mayor Steve Rideout, the Spy’s Dave Wheelan and WHCP’s Kevin Diaz will discuss the City Council’s work and Steve’s priorities throughout the year.

Our first chat focused on Mayor Rideout’s impressions of his first month in office, the possible impact of the November 8 election for Dorchester County Council, the challenge of resolving the tax differential between town and county, and community policing.

This video is approximately 20 minutes in length.

County Charter Commission Recommendations – July 20, 2022

Judge Stephen Rideout (ret.)

Dear Readers:

The Charter Commission made its presentation on Charter Change recommendations this past Monday to the County Council. The presentation went well with Phil Reed doing most of the talking. All but one member of the Commission was present for the meeting. In addition about 7 members of the public appeared to present their views on the recommendations.

All of the speakers praised the Charter Commission and the work that they had done in such a short period of time. There were a few concerns about some of the recommendations; but on the whole, those members of the public who were speaking supported the issues that the Commission was trying to address.

As the report, under normal circumstances, would have been due to the County Council in May, which is about when the Commission was allowed to start, this report in mid July has put some time pressure on County Council to make any decisions on their recommendations, as any proposed charter amendment needs to be at the State Elections Board by August 5th in order for them to make final approvals as to language for the ballot question to appear on the ballot in November.

The County Council voted to place these recommendations on the agenda for the County Council meeting on August 2nd at 6:00 p.m. for final decisions. If any of the recommendations are adopted, lawyers for the county will have just a few days to prepare appropriate language unless directed otherwise in order that the ballot question can be sent to the State Board of Election by August 5th.

We were advised that future meetings of County Council will be televised and not conducted over the phone. I am not aware how they will be televised – over the Internet or on a cable channel – so you may want to check the county web site for information on that issue. You, of course, are welcome to join the public at the meeting itself.
