Flood Risk Reduction Community Workshop – March 22, 2022

Judge Stephen Rideout (ret.)

Dear Readers:

Attached is a notice about a public meeting at the Dorchester Center for the Arts on March 22nd regarding the ongoing effort to improve the Cambridge Waterfront and City and County efforts to respond to high water and flooding events. There will be a number of tables where you can learn how to help address your property and flooding concerns and what is happening here in our community. There will be a number of presentations on different topics of interest.

Take a look at the attached and mark this on your calendar.

You do not want to miss it.


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Campaign for Grade Level Reading

Judge Stephen Rideout (ret.)

Dear Readers:

I have written about, and, hopefully, you have heard about the Campaign for Grade Level Reading that has come to Dorchester County and Cambridge. It is a national effort that requires communities that want to join show that they have the capacity to do what is needed over the long haul. Dorchester County and Cambridge, thanks to the J2W Foundation, has been selected for this effort.

Attached please see a press release from the Dorchester Campaign for Grade Level Reading and share it with friends and neighbors..



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Cambridge Matters #22-06 – County Charter Amendment FAQs – Feb 12, 2022

Judge Stephen Rideout (ret.)

Dear Readers:

My apologies for two Cambridge Matters in one week, but I wanted to get to you a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) to help you understand some of the issues that we are trying to correct and answers to some of the questions that we have been asked. I think that the attached will help.
I am also including below a link to a zoom training that Gene Lauer and I did for those who would gather signatures for the petitions that I sent previously and  to provide you with more information about this effort. It will include the discussion of the FAQ that is attached.
Passcode: B?^Dl7HC
If you have other questions or wish to volunteer to help, please be in touch with me.
Thanks for reading.

Download (DOCX, 25KB)

Cambridge Matters #22-05 – County Charter Change – Feb 10, 2022

Judge Stephen Rideout (ret)

Dear Readers:

Attached is my article on the second Charter Change Petition that deals with how the County Manager position should function. There are some significant and important changes to these two sections of the Charter as you will see in the article.
We have had the Charter Petitions printed and are in the process of training volunteers to collect the petition signatures. I will provide in my next Cambridge Matters a FAQ list of questions that people have asked concerning this effort and a link to a training that Gene Lauer and I did that will help you understand the need  for these changes and how to collect signatures that will be approved by the Election Board when we present them for approval.
Thanks for reading.

– Steve

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Cambridge Matters #22-04 – Feb 4, 2022 – County Charter Change

Judge Stephen Rideout (ret.)

Dear Readers:

I am beginning a short series of Cambridge Matters about some proposed changes to the County Charter. I hope that they will be of interest and that you will agree with what is being proposed.

The actual petitions will be provided at a later date after I have been able to explain them to you.

We need help in collecting signatures for these petitions, so if you are willing to help and have not already offered, please be in touch with me. We need people from all parts of the County.



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Cambridge Matters – Jan 24, 2022

Judge Stephen Rideout


Dear Readers:

In an earlier Cambridge Matters, I mentioned an upcoming virtual Community Conversation. I hope that you will attend to hear from others in the community and from people and groups providing resources about which you might not be aware.

Attached please find my Cambridge Matters about this event along with a flyer that allows you to register, if you would like, and offer ideas and concerns. You do not need to register, but doing so will provide us with your email address for future events and information.

Please share this with your groups, friends, relatives, and neighbors. We need to be part of the solution to improve possibilities for the children of this community and county.

Thanks for reading.


Download (DOCX, 28KB)

Download (DOCX, 29KB)

Cambridge Matters – Jan 17, 2022

 Judge Stephen Rideout


Dear Readers:

I am part of a group that calls itself Moving Dorchester Forward. Our primary focus is on education, but we have come to realize that there are other issues that we are hearing about that the community wants to talk about and find solutions for. We have decided to see if we can help start that conversation and begin to engage the Cambridge and Dorchester County Communities in identifying challenges and finding solutions.
Attached is my 2nd Cambridge Matters of 2022.
Please take a look and plan to be with us on February 1st to listen and learn.
This is just a note to let you know what is coming. We will provide more details later this week and/or early next week.
Thanks for reading.

– Steve