Category Archives: Cambridge Matters
Cambridge Matters – March 30, 2021
Judge Stephen Rideout (Ret.)
March 30, 2021
Dear Readers:
Attached please find my most recent Cambridge Matters that discusses the County Council’s compliance or noncompliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Act along with some issues regarding EMS services.
As we found during my time on the Cambridge City Council true openness and transparency is very important so that you have a better understanding of how our government works and how decisions are made.
While this is a bit long and has some extra reading for you to show you what the law is from the Open Meetings Act Manual, I think and hope that you will find this informative.
Thanks for reading.
Cambridge Matters – March 11, 2021
Judge Stephen Rideout (Ret.)
March 11, 2021
Dear Readers:
Attached is a report from Senator Cardin’s office about the legislation that was finalized today in the House and is going to the President for signature. It provides lots of information about the entire state about what is anticipated from the legislation. I would suspect that some things are not completely solid.
I thought that you would be interested in what potential impact the legislation will have on the County and Cambridge, as well as other local jurisdictions.
Also, for your information, I am interviewing representatives of the Dorchester County Department of Social Services for Mid Shore Mid Day on WHCP. I have learned a great deal about what they are doing and have been doing for the county and city during these difficult times. Take a listen. They are doing a great deal for this community that appears to be little known.
All the best.
Cambridge Matters by Steve Rideout – Feb 20, 2021
Judge Stephen Rideout (Ret.)
February 20, 2021
Dear Readers:
I hope everyone is well and making it though our not so pleasant weather. I am attaching my first thoughts about how our county is operating and hope that you find it both interesting and possibly contains an issue that you would like to undertake with me and, hopefully, others. Be safe, stay warm, and think positively about the coming Spring.
All the best
Judge Stephen Rideout (Ret.)
January 8, 2021
Dear Readers:
While I thought that I would take a break from my Cambridge Matters reporting, circumstances changed. With the local election and new Mayor and City Council, my reports about Cambridge will not focus on them. Sometimes I will provide information about an issue that I think is important to the city or a city committee or commission and what they do, so that you have a better sense on how the city works. Sometimes it may be an opinion piece about which you may agree or disagree.
As what I offer will be different and may not be what you want to receive from me, please feel free to let me know so I can remove you from my email list. If you disagree with me about something, I am happy to have a conversation about it and learn from you and maybe help you to understand where I am coming from.
During my time on the bench when I made decisions in cases, the general rule would be that at least one of those involved in the case would disagree with me. So, I am not offended if you have a different opinion and I welcome the chance to learn from you, so let’s have a conversation about whatever it might be.
Thanks for reading.