Cambridge Matters – May 9, 2020 – News update from the John & Janice Wyatt Foundation

Commissioner Steve Rideout
May 9, 2020

Dear Readers:

Please find below and attached some wonderful information from the John and Janice Wyatt Foundation and its Executive Director Matt Peterson about its outreach here in Dorchester County and Cambridge.


Subject: News update from the John & Janice Wyatt Foundation

Friends and colleagues,

I hope this email finds you all well during these challenging times. To perhaps brighten the day heading into the weekend, I wanted to share some of the latest news on the John & Janice Wyatt Foundation.

For those whom I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting, John and Jan hired me in December 2019 to run their family foundation. Since then, we have been making substantial progress in shaping our long-term strategies focusing on early childhood education and after-school/summer programming as initial ways to help level the playing field for disadvantaged youth in our community. As a result of COVID-19, we did make the decision to pivot to short-term response interventions which we expect will evolve back into a longer-term recovery effort that stays true to our original strategy.

Our initial COVID efforts are outlined in a press release that we sent to the media yesterday in the hopes of getting broader coverage next week. I wanted to share this with you first. Attached is a more substantive version of the release so that we can provide as much information to you as we can. In addition, please do take a look at our website at We have begun to post this work on our Current Programs and Program Design pages.

This is just the beginning. We look forward to evolving and growing within the county and acting as a resource, a convener, and a support mechanism to further the great work that currently exists as assets within the community. We also look forward to a future normalcy where we can meet in person and work together for the common goal of improving the lives of all of our children.

Moving forward, I’d love to continue sharing our work with you and hope to connect sometime soon. Have a great weekend!



Matthew T. Peterson, M.A.
Executive Director
John & Janice Wyatt Foundation

Please visit our website at

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Cambridge Matters – May 8, 2020 – Cambridge City Facilities

Commissioner Steve Rideout
May 8, 2020

Forwarded From: Patrick Comiskey
Date: Fri, May 8, 2020 7:17 PM
Subject:Cambridge City Facilities

Dear All:

The following is information regarding City of Cambridge facilities:

“The City boat ramps at Great Marsh Park and Franklin Streets are now open for boating access. The city marina is also open for operations.

The city parks are open but play structures, picnic benches, and pavilions are still closed to the public. Gatherings are still limited to 10 people or less. Social distancing rules are still in effect. Masks are required to enter public businesses.”

Have a good weekend!


Cambridge Matters – Tax Differential – May 6, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
May 6, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached is my short report on Commissioner Hanson’s and my efforts to encourage the County Council to increase the city tax differential to help reduce your county taxes. It is also about how we all can improve our governments and how important it is for each of us to be as engaged as possible in what the city and county are doing.

Stay safe!!


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Cambridge Matters – Budget Session #1 – May 1, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
May 1, 2020

Dear Readers:

Here is a short report on our first budget work session this past Friday with two more to come. I welcome your comments and suggestions. I have received a number of great ideas about how we can address some of the fiscal issues that we will face but welcome yours.

Stay safe.

All the best



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Cambridge Matters – Update on Recycling – April 30, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
April 30, 2020

Dear Readers:

A few days ago I received the email below regarding the recycling containers. In it Wolf Hehn detailed what he had learned from Republic in a call to their main number. I have followed up with the County and they have confirmed what Wolf indicates below. I hope that this helps those wishing to recycle to know more about what is now being accepted for recycling. Thank you, Mr. Hehn, for bringing this to my attention.



Commissioner Rideout,

In the past, the large white truck carried recycle containers indicated that only plastics numbered #1 & #2 should be placed in the containers. No such indication is given for the new large blue Republic Services containers which have replaced the old recycle containers. I placed a call to the Republic 800 number  inquiring about restrictions regarding plastic containers and was told beyond plastic bags, bubble wrap and other thin plastic film, any plastic container regardless of number was recyclable. Is this indeed the case? If so, this would be nice, as numerous plastic containers are classifies as #3,  #5, #7. Thanks,

Wolf F. Hehn


Cambridge Matters #16 – April 27, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
April 27, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached is my most recent unofficial report on what took place last evening as part of the work of your city council. It was a relatively short meeting with most of the time being taken up by the presentation by CWDI.

I hope that you continue to be and stay safe and well.

Thanks to all of you who have written support letters for Snip Tuck’s grant application.

Thanks to all of you who are making face coverings for friends and people in the community. When this is all over, I would like for us to have a display of the many different and, I think, beautiful works of art and protection that you have made.

All the best.


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Cambridge Matters – April 22, 2020 – City/County Taxes

Commissioner Steve Rideout
April 22, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached please find something that I hope you will find helpful regarding upcoming budget decisions by us and by county council.
It is important as we do the work of government that you as taxpayers – in the city or county – understand some of what your elected officials are called upon to decide as part of our process in deciding what it will take to run our governments – city and county.



Cambridge Matters #17 – April 13, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
April 13, 2020

Dear Readers:

I am attaching my regular Cambridge Matters report as well as the final report of the Compensation Advisory Committee that was given at our meeting. The Compensation Advisory Committee did great work and a lot of research and provided a history of how we arrived at the difficult place that we are with regard to this matter particularly given the significant financial issues that the city will be facing due to the Covid-19 virus and closure of businesses and reduction and in some cases elimination of income to businesses, individuals, and government.

If you are someone who is retired and has an ongoing income stream from your retirement benefits or has a separate income stream, please consider supporting our local restaurants and businesses. There are some restaurants doing carry out. We have had some great meals that way. For businesses, buying a gift card for future use is also something that you can do.

I hope that the attached gives you a picture of some of the challenges that we face. After reading my report and/or the committee report, please let the Mayor and your Commissioner (or me) know what you think about the Compensation Committee report and recommendations. We need guidance for where to go. That matter will be on the agenda for our meeting on April 27th so another way to let us know is to join the meeting and call in when you are given the opportunity to provide public comment.

Thanks for reading.


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Cambridge Matters – March 30, 2020

Commissioner Steve Rideout
March 30, 2020

Dear Readers:

Attached is my unofficial report from last night’s meeting along with a memo that I drafted to support a matter that was on the agenda last evening. I hope that they are helpful in informing you of what we are doing as your elected leaders.

Thanks for reading.


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