CAN Community Assessment – CWDI & the YMCA

On Friday,May 17,2024, CAN closed a controlled survey conducted within Cambridge regarding the relocation of the YMCA and Y Headquarters to the Cambridge Harbor. Below you will find a presentation displaying the results that were shared on Monday, May 20th at the City Council meeting. These results and the full analysis were also emailed to the leadership of City Council, CWDI, and the YMCA.

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CAN CWDI/YMCA Community Survey Closes Friday May 17

The CAN CWDI/YMCA Community Survey will close Fri, May 17, 2024. There have been 516 responses as of today. Please take a few minutes to respond if you have not already done so. Your opinion matters…

Survey Purpose:
The purpose of this survey is to assess the community’s opinion regarding the potential for a non-profit nonrevenue generating business, like the Cambridge YMCA, to occupy a portion of the CWDI waterfront property. Our understanding is the occupancy would also include the relocation of the “YMCA of the Chesapeake” Corporate Headquarters, which is currently located on Dover Street in Easton, MD.

Your feedback is important and confidential. Thank you in advance for participating.

CWDI Updates – Site Plan and Bricks & Trees – October 2022

From: Matt Leonard
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 4:19 AM
Subject: CWDI – Cambridge Harbor REOI Additional Information

We appreciate the sincere interest from the many of you who plan to respond to CWDI’s Cambridge Harbor Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI), and to those who already have. We believe we are well on track to identifying the various partners we will need to bring the Cambridge Harbor vision to reality.

Based on the contacts and discussions I have had with many of you, and in keeping with our promise to continue advancing the project, attached you will find additional information in the form of the next-level concept design for Cambridge Harbor. This version overlays the Concept Mater Site Plan included in the REOI issued on July 15, 2022.

This additional information is provided to help you focus your submissions due by close of Business on November 15, 2022. I cannot overstate that this is a concept, with general building types shown in a more vertical fashion and potential yields for each type estimated based on this version. The detailed final design and constructions will be devised by CWDI, its consultants, and you, if you are selected as one of our development partners identified through the REOI process – investor, developer, general contractor, retailer, food & beverage, or other end user.

To those of you who have already submitted: first a special “thank you;” second, you do not need to resubmit, or resubmit in whole. You have responded as we had asked and we understand you well enough. However, at your discretion, feel free to simply send additional information for us to add to your original submittal if you so choose.

To those of you who plan on submitting: I again direct your attention to section XI of he REOI. This section describes the general information we want from you. Your submission does not need to be overly technical or detailed. In short: tell and show us who you are, your desired position is in the Cambridge Harbor project, what you have done successfully in the past in that same capacity, and that you have the capacity to do it again with us. As mentioned above, CWDI is searching for the right partners to move forward with collaboratively to the benefit of all of those eventually involved and in keeping with the community’s Cambridge Harbor vision.

As always, feel free to contact me to discuss this further.

Thank you,


Matt Leonard
Executive Director
Cambridge Waterfront Development, Inc.
(434) 579-0374

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Cambridge Waterfront Survey Results – Wed, Mar 26, 6 pm

Cambridge Waterfront Public Input Survey results will be presented to and discussed by City Council at a work session to be held online on next Wednesday, March 24 at 6pm. BCT, the company that conducted the survey on behalf of CWDI, will do the presentation. 350 people responded to the survey and made over 1500 comments. Some of the comments are shared in the presentation. Please note that all suggestions made in the survey responses are under consideration, and the fact that a suggestion is not included in the sample comments does not mean that any suggestions are off the table for the CWDI.

Update on Jan 21 CWDI Board Meeting

by Sharon Smith

I attended the January Cambridge Waterfront Development Inc. meeting via Zoom. There have been one-on-one conversations with four of the five new council members regarding this initiative. All conversations were productive and well-received. CWDI hopes to make a presentation at a February city council meeting, which will be open to the public. Approximately 250 responses were received for the BCT Designs survey conducted December 10th – January 20. The State continues to be involved and DHCD Secretary Holt remains committed to the the project.  CWDI conducted most of the meeting in Closed Session to discuss potential proposals for uses of the property.