CAN Notes on December 15 Board of Education Meeting

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Cambridge Matters – Dec 3 Mayor’s Youth Forum at Empowerment Center

Mayor Stephen Rideout

Dear Readers:

Attached is a notice about a second Mayor’s Forum on Youth and the Proposed Curfew. We are holding this one at the Empowerment Center on Pine Street on December 7th at 6:00 p.m. I hope that you will be able to come.

We would like to hear the voices of our youth about what is working here; what is not working here; what they think of the idea of a curfew; and what we as a community might do differently.

Last Monday we had a great conversation by the adults, but that is not enough. We need to hear from our youth about their ideas to find out what they want,

Last Monday’s conversation is found on the Cambridge Page of Town Hall Streams. See what ideas were shared there.

I look forward to seeing you,


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CAN Notes on Nov 17 Dorchester County Board of Education Meeting

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Cambridge Matters – Mayor’s Forum on Youth, Nov 28

Mayor Stephen Rideout

Dear Readers:

Attached is the notice regarding the upcoming Mayor’s Forum on Youth. I have copied it in Word and PDF as I am learning that some prefer one over the other.

I encourage people to email me at with your questions, concerns, offers of help, and ideas so that I can try to pull them together as part of an opening presentation and focus of our discussion.

Please feel free to share on social media or with anyone you think will have an interest.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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